Dmitry Kolyas

Ashkelon · Israel · (+972) 54 339-5890 ·

I am an experienced full stack software engineer,
interested in web and mobile development and have a big passion for it.
Also I'm acquires affection in the field of cyber and information security.
I have a BSc degree in software engineering.
Highly motivated and self discipline with strong analytical and problem solving skills.
A team player with good interpersonal relations.
Having the ability and willingness to continue learning new skills throughout my entire career.


Front End React Engineer

  • Development of hybrid platform system that combines several different systems using the micro front end architecture.

Experienced with the following technologies:

  • ReactJS
  • ES6+
  • Typescript
  • Hooks
  • Redux
  • Redux toolkit
  • Styled-components
  • Html5
  • CSS3
  • SCSS
  • Bootstrap
September 2020 - Present

Front End React Engineer

Worked for some projects for ITNAVpro company as an outsourced employee

  • Development, support and maintenance of the real-time data monitoring call center web system.
  • Construction of the user management web system for the real-time data monitoring system.

Experienced with the following technologies:

  • ReactJS
  • HTML5
  • CSS3, Sass
  • MobX as state management
  • REST and WebSockets API
  • JSON
  • React libraries: react-table for tables, react-chartjs-2 for charts
February 2020 - August 2020

Full Stack Java Developer

  • Java developer on web environment, Server and Client developer.
  • Developed with the following technologies and frameworks: Java Spring Web MVC framework, Hibernate ORM framework, Apache Velocity template view, CSS, JS.
  • Used MySQL and Apache Tomcat.
  • Adjusted the official website of the company to work with modern Metronic Bootstrap.
June 2019 - October 2019

Full Stack Developer

  • Developed Real-time dashboard web pages with widgets of statistics for the Call-Center system as a product of the company.
  • Developed with the following technologies and frameworks: ReactJS, JavaScript, ES6, JSX, HTML, CSS, LESS, Bootstrap, jQuery as a front-end frameworks.
  • Developed with Node.js, MongoDB as backend.
  • Used MobX with observables as state management of React.
  • Experienced with build tools such as NPM, Webpack, Babel, Gulp.
  • Experienced with REST API, JSON, GRPC, Internationalization (i18n).
  • Worked with Linux environment and Git as VCS.
  • Experience with developing in Agile environment.
July 2017 - June 2019


SCE Shamoon college of engineering

Bachelor of Science
Software Engineering
November 2014 - June 2017

Amal Beer Sheva college

Practical engineer
Software Engineering
November 2008 - June 2010

Makif Ironi Alef Ashkelon High School

Technology Program
Software Engineering, Physics
September 2002 - June 2008


Programming Languages & Tools
  • Responsive Design
  • Easy To Use, Intuitive UX/UI
  • Cross Browser Testing & Debugging
  • Cross Functional Teams
  • Agile Development & Scrum


Apart from being a developer, I enjoy most of my time being outdoors. Some of my hobbies are sport activities: Running, Football, Basketball. During the warmer months here in Israel I enjoy swimming at the sea or at the pool. In addition I love to travel around the world: to be exposed to new places, people, cultures and experiences. Another hobby of mine is photography: Landscape, Architecture, Travel.

When forced indoors, I do weight training at the gym. I follow a number of sci-fi, fantasy, crime drama and comedy genre movies and television shows. I am listening to music and reading books, and I spend a large amount of my free time exploring the latest technology advancements in the back and front end web development world.

running photography
